Modernist potions

The Best Brews from Around the World
Is French Press Better Than Drip?

Is French Press Better Than Drip?

Word’s starting to get around that I am writing about coffee, so questions about how I make my daily brew have become common. As the title implies, I use a French Press to make my coffee most mornings, and I grind just enough for each cup. So, what’s the best way to...
How to Make Iced Coffee with Fresh and Instant Coffee

How to Make Iced Coffee with Fresh and Instant Coffee

A friend of mine requested a post on iced coffee and methods for making it well. I thought it would be something as simple as ice in a glass (see: my laziest approach), but apparently, there are some people who take it more seriously. So what is the best way to make...
Easy Cold Brew Methods and Ratios

Easy Cold Brew Methods and Ratios

Summer is upon us, and many people will be craving their favorite brew in a more season-friendly form. Cold brew is available, and it tends to be sweeter than most other forms of coffee, but it’s also so darn expensive! At Starbucks, a tall cold brew is 50% more than...
What is Chickpea coffee?

What is Chickpea coffee?

I know, I know, this is probably considered blasphemy from many people because this has so far been a coffee blog. Well, sometimes when reserves run down, and imports get more expensive, people will choose to opt for alternatives to coffee. After already covering...